Children’s Nurture

Parenting is a team sport.

Our goal is to assist parents in raising their children to become lifelong followers of Jesus who are able to relate their faith to every part of life.



Parents and caregivers are most crucial in the spiritual formation of their children. Children love the things their parents love. If parents are actively engaged in loving Jesus, kids are drawn to that. We help parents actively grow in their own faith and provide support as they seek to be faithful spiritual guides for their children. We focus on providing resources and counsel for marriages, believing that the strength of a child's formation is deeply impacted by the strength of their parents' marriage. 


The church also has an indispensable role to play in the lives of children.
Our approach to the spiritual formation of children is holistic: children grow spiritually through a variety of means, including teaching, relationships, and experiences.  We want children and youth to know that Denver Pres is their church, not just their parents’ church.  Their questions are important and their contributions invaluable. We create casual environments for children and youth to interact with adults, forming friendships of all ages. We also guide families and children to the two sacraments: baptism (whether infant or believers’s) and admission to the Lord’s Supper.


Children’s Programs

Here are our current opportunities for children’s ministries.

  • Nursery care Sunday mornings for ages 0-3

  • Children’s worship for PreK-5th grade (dismissed at the sermon)

  • Quarterly 4th-5th grade socials

  • Youth Group (6th-12th grade) meets regularly on Sunday nights.
    Go HERE to read all things youth group!

For more information on our Children’s Nurture ministries, contact our Director of Children’s Nurture, Tally Flint at